Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving...Beijing Style

So yesterday EAP took us to the Kempinski Hotel in Beijing's Chaoyang district for an amazing Thanksgiving buffet. Our tuition fees included this buffet (thanks Mom and Dad), but just to give you an idea of this hotel's fanciness, the price of the buffet was like 300 something kuai... 45 US dollars. I didn't even mind that the turkey was a little dry because they had every other type of meat available. We got there around 5:45 pm and just seeing the array of food made me hyperventilate a little... but I recovered and just started out slow. Three hours later everyone was about 5 pounds heavier and passing around the Tums that my friend Matt had bought. Some people had even snuck in containers to bring some "Thanksgiving leftovers" back to the dorms.

The whole only thing they didn't have was eggnog, but come three weeks and two plane rides back to the States and that won't be a problem. Tomorrow morning at 5 am I'm joining some friends in going down to Tiananmen Square and watching the flag-raising ceremony. It happens daily but supposedly is a big deal and special to watch. Thennnn around 10 am I'm going with my classmates to some campground at this mountain called Xiang Shan (香山: Fragrant Hill/Mountain) to hang out for the weekend. I'll be back Sunday sometime and will hopefully be able to put up pictures a couple days after that. Hope you all had an awesome Thanksgiving wherever you may be.

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