Monday, December 22, 2008

Thanks China, It's Been Real

So it's 2:45 AM Monday morning here in Beijing. I'm watching some bootleg DVDs that I borrowed from a friend while I write this blog; since I'll arrive in America in the morning, American time, I decided to pull an all-nighter tonight and try to beat jet-lag. I leave for the airport in two hours, and it's just, pardon the cliche, surreal...

I came to this country six months ago not knowing what to expect, but knowing that it would be an experience. Well, I definitely got an experience, and got it to the full. I wrestled with Mongolians in the grasslands, rode camels in the desert, went to the Olympic Games, went on a month, 5000 mile+ trek around all of China, made new international friends, and, oh yeah, learned Chinese the whole time.

I wish I could say that I was completely fluent, that I could easily translate at the U.N. or do something cool like that. But I'm not, I'm not even close. Learning this language is the most difficult thing I've ever done in my life, and I say "is" and not "was" because this process is not over. Despite all the frustrations, I want to keep learning this language, even though it'll probably take the rest of my lifetime. But what's wrong with that?

So that was the sentimental, reflective part. I could go on about all the valuable lessons I've learned about life and blah blah blah... but I think you guys would rather hear that from me in person. Since I'll be in the States in a day... you'll be able to soon!

I just have to give credit where it's due though...first, God. He blessed me with an incredible six months in China. Second, my parents. They provided the means for me to take this study abroad opportunity and I'm so grateful to them for that. And, of course, I wanna thank you guys for following this blog and keeping me in all your prayers.

See ya guys soon!

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